PON_vs_AON.png/350px-PON_vs_AON.png' alt='Ftth Installation Procedure' title='Ftth Installation Procedure' />The FOA Reference For Fiber Optics. Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable Plant Installation Jump To The Role of the Contractor in an Installation Installation Checklist Preparing For Outside Plant Installations Pulling and Placing OSP Cable Hardware and Equipment Training and Safety Installing Fiber Optic Cable Splicing and Termination Testing the Installed Fiber Optic Cable Plant Administration, Management, and Documentation OSP Fiber Optic Installation. All fiber optic applications are not the same. At the FOA, were mainly concerned with communications fiber optics telco, CATV, LAN, industrial, etc., but fiber optics are also used in medical or nondestructive testing inspection and lighting. Even within communications applications, we have applications that differ widely in usage and in methods of installation. We have outside plant fiber optics as used in telephone networks, CATV, metropolitan networks, utilities, etc. We have fiber on platforms like cars, planes and ships and the space station. Just like wire which can mean lots of different things power, security, HVAC, CCTV, LAN or telephone fiber optics is not all the same. Since all these applications require different installation procedures, this section will focus on OSP installation in more detail. The Installation. After the process of designing fiber optic networks is completed, the next step is to install it. What do we mean by the installation process Assuming the design is completed, were looking at the process of physically installing and completing the network, turning the design into an operating system. This chapter covers preparing for the installation, requirements for training and safety and then the actual installation process. Since outside plant fiber optic networks can cover a broad range of installation types using varied components over different types of geography, it is impossible to cover the specifics of any one installation. This chapter should provide an overview of the various options available in OSP installations and general knowledge that should prepare those involved in any particular installation to understand how to proceed. The Role of the Contractor in an Installation. Ftth Installation Procedure' title='Ftth Installation Procedure' />Dploiement dun reseau dacces a fibres optiques dans la commune de Matete par la technologie FTTH par Lon KATAKO ONEMA Institut suprieur de techniques. LS FTTH Solutions LS FTTH Solutions 31 Fiber Optic Cable and Connectivity Optical Fibers and Cables Zero Water Peak Fiber G652. D 32 Bend Insensitive Fiber G657 33. To begin work on a fiber optic installation, the network owner or user must choose a contractor, perhaps the most important decision in the entire process. The fiber optic contractor should be able to work with the customer in each installation project through six stages design, installation, testing, troubleshooting, documentation and restoration. The contractor must be experienced in fiber optic installations of the type involved and should be able to provide references for similar work. One should be able to rely the contractor to not only do the installation but to assist in the design of the network and help choose components and vendors. Once the contractor has been given the assignment, they should be able to help the customer with the design, including choosing the right kinds of fibers, cables, connectors and hardware for the installation. The contractor should know which components meet industry standards to ensure interoperability and what state of the art components will facilitate future expandability. The experienced contractor also should be able to help in the choice of vendors. Experience with particular product types and vendors will allow the contractor to assist the customer to choose products that make the installation faster and easier and often higher performance and more reliable. Should the customer choose components that are unfamiliar to the contractor, it is important that the contractor know early in the process so they may obtain proper training, often from the manufacturer, as well as any unique tools that may be required. Generally, the customer is not as familiar with fiber optic technology and practice as an experienced contractor. The contractor may need to discuss certain choices with the customer where they believe alternatives may be better choices. The actual installation process can involve more than just putting in cable, terminating and testing it. FTTH%20residential%20Installation.png' alt='Ftth Installation Procedure' title='Ftth Installation Procedure' />If the contractor is knowledgeable and experienced, the user may ask the contractor to purchase, receive, inspect and bring components to the work site also, which can be another good source of revenue for the contractor. Having full control of the materials process can also make life easier for the contractor, as they have a better chance to keep on schedule rather than depending on a customer who has many other priorities. Plus, they may have the latitude to choose components they are more familiar with, facilitating the actual installation process. The technicians actually doing the installation should be trained and certified by organizations like The Fiber Optic Association www. Certification provides a level of confidence that the installation techs are knowledgeable and have the skills needed for the work involved. The final four requirements from the contractor, testing, troubleshooting, documentation and restoration, need to be discussed before the project ever begins. Every fiber optic project requires insertion loss testing of every link with a light source and power meter or optical loss test set according to industry standards. Some projects, like long outside plant links with splices, may also require OTDR testing. Codigo De Activacion De Windows Vista Ultimate Sp2 on this page. The contractor and customer must agree that testing includes troubleshooting problems and fixing them as well as documenting test results for every link. Likewise, for the contractor, documentation must begin before the project starts so the scope of work is known to everyone and end only when the final test data is entered. Copies of the documentation, along with excess components left over from the installation, must be presented to the customer to facilitate future network restoration, should it be required. The Contract. The contract for a fiber optic installation should include detailed requirements for the project, spelling out exactly what is to be installed, acceptable test results, and documentation to be provided. All this should be discussed between the customer and the contractor and agreed to in writing. They are not irrelevant details, as they are important to ensure the customer gets what they expect and the contractor knows what is expected of them when designing the network, estimating costs, doing the actual installation and providing proof of performance in order to show the work is completed and payment should be made. Planning For The Project. Once the contracts are signed and a set of plans has been handed to the contractor, whats next
Toute lactualit et les exclusivites de Free, sa Freebox, Free Mobile et bien plus encore. Existing FTTH BSNL VoiceBroadband plans Security Deposit charges revised from 1st November, 2017. BSNL has announced the rationalization of Security deposit charges. Leased Tariff. A. TARIFF FOR LOCAL LEAD OR END LINKS OR LOCAL CIRCUITS TO BE CHARGED AS i The tariff prescribed is for end to end. Planning the job is the first task. Proper planning is important to ensure the job is installed properly, on time and meets cost objectives, so the contractor can make a profit. It is assumed you have a finished design for the project, know where and how everything will be installed and have any special requirements like permits ready. One can also assume you have a completion date, hopefully a reasonable one, to work toward. The first step then is to create a schedule which will be the centerpiece of the planning process. In order to schedule a job, you need a lot of information, much of which can be acquired from estimates you did when bidding the job. When buyers price the components to be used on a job, they should get delivery times as well as prices.