Child. Care. VA Providers. Child Care as a Profession. More than half of the U. S population consists of working parents with children under the age of 6 and require child care services outside of their home. The Virginia Department of Social Services VDSS understands that choosing a safe, quality childcare provider or facility can be an overwhelming task for parents. VDSS is committed to providing parents with the highest quality child care programs in Virginia, staffed with caring, knowledgeable, nurturing and dedicated individuals. As a child care professional, you can be a part of Virginias commitment to providing safe, quality child care As a child care professional you most likely work for a child day program. Child day programs are defined as regularly operating service arrangement for children where, during the absence of a parent or guardian, a person or organization has agreed to assume responsibility for the supervision, protection and well being of a child under the age of 1. In Virginia, there are two types of child day programs for which you may work child day centers center based and family day homes family based. Child Day Centers. Child day centers provide care for i two or more children under the age of 1. Family Day Homes. Family day homes provide care in the residence of the provider or the home of any of the children in care for up to 1. Requirements for Becoming a Child Care Professional. As a child care professional in Virginia, you will be required to meet certain standards to ensure your level of knowledge and competency. Qualifications will vary based on the type of program. For Licensed Child Day Centers. What educational qualifications are needed to work in a child day center in Virginia Qualifications vary for program directors, program leaders, and aides. Program directors can meet one of the following criteria with education in a child related field Graduate degree An endorsement or bachelors degree College credits 4. Two years of programmatic experience with one year in a supervisory capacity and other advanced educational requirements. Three years of programmatic experience with one year in a supervisory capacity and a high school completion or equivalent   For additional requirements read Part III Staff Qualification and Training in the Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers. Click Here. Business Resources. The Virginia Small Business Child Care Financing Program CCFP is designed to assist Virginia child care providers in obtaining financing for fixed asset needs and educational materials. The Association for Early Learning Leaders goal is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and abilities of early care directors, owners, emerging leaders and other early learning professionals to ensure quality child care programs for young children. ChildcareProgram Directors Training. CHD 2. 70 This Community College course examines the skills needed for establishing and managing early childhood programs. UploadedImages/Images/CDA-GS-Seal.png' alt='Lead Training Course Virginia' title='Lead Training Course Virginia' />Emphasizes professionalism and interpersonal skills, program planning, staff selection and development, creating policies, budgeting, and developing forms for recordkeeping. Managing a child care center is a big job. It takes someone who loves children, understands people, and can handle the business side of child care. An ongoing series of free webinars that offer new ideas and insights to early childhood educators, directors, managers, and other professionals who work in early care and education. The Virginia Shared Services Network is a program of Child Care Aware of Virginia. Deus Ex Invisible War Graphics Patch. Its goal is to assist child care centers and family child care providers to support and strengthen the quality of early learning settings and to improve financial stability. What are the annual training requirementsStaff members are required to have a minimum of 1. What certifications are required Current certifications in cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR and first aid appropriate to the age of children in care are required for at least one staff member who is on the premises during the centers hours of operation and also one person on field trips and wherever children are in care. Current certification in Medication Administration Training MAT is required for staff members that administer prescription andor non prescription medications. The Benefits of Security Plus Training Classes The Computing Technology Industry Association, or CompTIA, is a wellknown notforprofit organization that. Tradesmen Program. The Board for Contractors regulates individual tradesmen who engage in the trades of electrical plumbing heating, ventilation, and air. Know how to fix your golf swing by visiting our site at Moe Norman Golf. We also have an event calendar page to keep clients informed. Visit us todayLead Training Course VirginiaLead Training Course VirginiaClick here. For Licensed Family Day Homes. What educational qualifications are needed to be a family day home provider in Virginia Providers are required to have i a high school diploma or the equivalent or ii evidence of having met the requirements for admission to an accredited college or university. IMG_0194.jpg' alt='Lead Training Course Virginia' title='Lead Training Course Virginia' />Lead Training Course VirginiaWhat are the annual training requirements In addition to cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR and first aid certification, providers are required to have a minimum of 1. DEQ is the lead agency for developing and implementing statewide stormwater management and nonpoint source pollution control programs to protect the Commonwealths. X3 Reunion Mods'>X3 Reunion Mods. What certifications are required Current certifications in cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR and first aid appropriate to the age of children in care are required for providers. Current certification in Medication Administration Training MAT is required members for providers that administer prescription andor non prescription medications. Click here. For additional requirements read Part III, Personnel and VI, Caregiver Training in the Standards for Licensed Family Day Homes. Click Here. Become a Licensed Provider. What are the benefits to becoming a licensed providerprogramAs a licensed provider, you have a competitive advantage over unlicensed and unregistered providers. Your licensed program is held to a higher standard that provides accountability to health and safety standards enforced by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Becoming a licensed provider creates opportunities to Become established as a professional in your field. Demonstrate a commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for children. Have an assigned licensing inspector who is available to answer questions and provide technical assistance. Receive increased subsidy payments for eligible children in your care. Be better prepared to voluntarily participate in Virginia Quality,  the Commonwealths child care quality rating and improvement system QRISBe included in a searchable, free listing of your center or family day home on the VDSS and Child Care Aware of Virginia websites andor referral services. Use your licensure status as a marketing tool to solicit and educate prospective parents. Influence parents with online health and safety inspection reports. Access relevant, up to date training and resources. Be connected to the front line of federalstate child care news and provider requirements Be eligible to participate in the USDA food program. Be proud of the quality child care you are providing to your community. How do I get my program licensed with the state Applicants are required to attend the Pre licensure Orientation Phase 2 training provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services VDSS that includes an overview of the Code of Virginia, regulations, completing the application, licensee responsibilities, inspectionsrole of the licensing inspector, and program requirements. Applicants are provided with specific information on health and safety standards and required background checks. Applicants are encouraged to contact their regional licensing office or call the toll free licensing information line at 8. For more information on becoming licensed, you can also contact your regional licensing office.